Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Guess the Poem

I would like you to guess what I mean - or what you think I mean. Can you guess the emotion? What are your thoughts?

Is anybody there?
No reply.
It's cold
And your alone.
The dark creeps forward
Ready to take
All the light from you.
But suddenly
Appears a man.
He sits next to you
And the darkness parts.
Warmth returns
And so does the light.
Small at first
But it grows fast.
Soon the world has
Color again along with warmth.
You are happy once again.


  1. I wonder if this is someone passing through death. (I'm really bad at poetry...)

  2. Haha no. I meant for it to describe when I was lonely. Although I could see death. I've just started writing what comes to my mind - funny enough it come out in a poem. I hate poetry - I'm never good at trying to find what the poet meant when he said "and her eyes were like butterflies" or whatevs :P
